
It's Nice To Meet You, I'm

Saralynn Kate

(And so I'm glad you're here!)


It's So Nice To Meet You, I'm

Saralynn Kate

(And I'm glad you're here!)

Have you ever wondered if you made the right life choice?

That the path that you’ve been walking on was really going to be the thing that you do for the rest of your life? That was me back in early 2015 while I was sitting on a back porch realizing that I had just hit rock bottom in my life. I was training dogs, working 60+ hours a week, physically exhausted to my core while feeling empty inside… resulting in things that I had done which hurt myself and those around me.

The unfortunate thing is, it took me about a year since that moment to learn that nothing would  change unless I do something about it. Since then, I put myself into counseling and group therapy, decided to quit my toxic job and hire mentors to help me climb out of my hole. Choices that I know saved my life.

But I didn’t stop there… you see in the mix of things, I got involved and fell in love with social selling and the freedom that it could provide.

It wasn’t until June 2017 that I decided to take things seriously.

My Road To Freedom

That Just like so many out there, I caught that taste of freedom when I joined my first company and thought that this would be simple as pie...

You probably already know how that turned out.

I initially joined in the end of 2015 and spent the following year and a half trying to figure it out. Reading countless books, buying a crap ton of product and even holding multiple vendor events to make things work… all in the midst of training dogs part time for a dog walking company to stay afloat.

I plugged into coaches and tuned into my upline as much as possible, and spent every hour that I wasn’t training a dog, training myself and my team. It wasn’t until the end of the year,  where I had another wake up call.

4 days before Christmas, my boss emailed me informing me that I was being let go.

No Reasons. No Warnings. No Conversations.

Just, that I lost my job.

I had already learned that life is too short to waste it in toxic environments… This taught me that toxic people are just as important to look out for, too.

My Biggest Transition

In January 2018 I was sitting in the living room of a beautiful mansion, on the coast of sunny San Diego, for a 3 day mastermind with my coach. We were discussing ways to build our businesses when it dawned on me…

I had zero issues with selling a $2000 dog training program, but it felt near impossible to sell a $160 kit for my network marketing company… and that was because those who needed training, came to me.  

After that weekend I began the hunt to learn more about how to attract buyers and it wasn’t until that May, that I found Entrepreneurs who teach “Attraction Marketing.”

Within 3 months I became a top earner and within 1 year I had the honor to partner up with this very group to become a certified mentor and teach that very same set of skills to other network marketers who range from brand spankin’ new to 7-figures.

I’m not going to B.S. you, learning this strategy to market your business on social media isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it.

It’s given me:

  • Freedom to live my life how I want to live it
  • An audience full of people what reaches out to me wanting to buy on the daily
  • People on my team who has struggled for years, achieve $500 within their first month of joining
  • The ability to speak and teach from stage

If there’s anything that I want you to pick up from this are these 2 things: Choose Wisely & Be Strategic

Choose Wisely - You can’t do this alone, but be aware that you are a combination of those that you spend your time with. You need a company, leaders, or mentors to help you build a team that wins, without burning out. Someone who has gone down that path so that you can avoid it. Don’t tread lightly here.

Be Strategic - Simplicity is a part of being strategic. Strategy is what helps you leverage your time and money. Having more time and money gives you the freedom to enjoy your life.

Since 2017 to now I’ve been exposed to many companies, teams, tools, courses, mentorship, training… you name it I’ve probably seen it. If you have felt like you have been held back from building a team who wins WITH you, but to do so without feeling exhausted and burnt out, then my best suggestion is to check out my Social Sellers Guide To Win.

Take it from my life experience, it's so much easier to learn from someone who’s gone down the path that you’re considering taking!

Where I Am Now

I am so grateful to be where I am today and to be able to see it through. I spent my life filled with stress and anxiety since I was 15, but now I’m 34 years old and I feel like I can finally breathe.

It took me a couple years to find myself and find the right path for my business… not to mention, I’ve busted my butt doing so. But I have something that most don’t… Time Freedom and the Ability To See Others Achieve The Same.

Yes, I actively choose to do what I do, so that I can see others through from their place of struggle to complete time freedom, too. And I owe it all to my own experiences and mentors and what I’ve learned from them. It’s an honor to be able to help like those who helped me several years ago.

I’m so excited to have met you and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Thanks for stopping by, and welcome to the world of true time freedom.

Let’s rock this thing,
Saralynn Kate <3

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